
AMCOM’s AM13516042WM-00-R is a Ku-band GaAs MMIC power amplifier designed for VSAT ground station transmitter applications. It has 23dB small signal gain, and 41dBm (12.6W) P3dB CW output power over the 13.75 to 14.5GHz VSAT band at 8V bias. Under pulsed condition, It has 42dBm (15W) P3dB with 30% PAE. The MMIC PA can also be operated up to 16GHz with over 20dB small signal gain, 40dBm P3dB CW output power and for other ITU band applications such as 14GHz-14.5GHz fixed satellite service (Earth-to-space) for feeder links for the broadcasting satellite service. This frequency band is also applicable to the land mobile satellite service (earth-to-space) on a secondary basis. This product can also be used in 15.4GHz – 15.7GHz for fixed satellite service for connection between earth stations. AM13516042WM-SO-R is the packaged version of the MMIC.

General Parameters:
Fmin (GHz): 13.5
Fmax (GHz): 16
Gain(dB): 23
Psat(dBm): 41
Eff(%): 32
Bias (V): +8 / -1
Package: Flange
ECCN: 3A001.b.2.b
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