Directional Couplers


The AM060180CP-10 is a directional coupler that works in the 6 to 18 GHz range. It offers a wide flat coupling response, high directivity, and great performance in return loss. The flatness of the coupling response, known as frequency sensitivity, is usually ±0.3 dB or better throughout the range. The typical directivity is 15 dB, return loss is 18 dB, and insertion loss is 0.82 dB. This compact device measures 1.00 x 0.60 x 0.38 inches and has SMA-Female connectors. The unique design of the coupled line structure ensures a very flat coupling response, allowing for precise and reliable measurements. This device can handle both X and Ku bands while remaining in a small size.

General Parameters:
Fmin (GHz): 6
Fmax (GHz): 18
Coupling (dB): 10
Insertion Loss (dB): .82
Average Power (W): 50
Connect: SMA
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